At EHG, we include user feedback in everything we do — from designing studies, building online communities, developing compelling video content, to testing out tech-enabled solutions. Hearing the user voice directly helps us better identify and understand unmet needs, and as result, build solutions that solve specific challenges.
Below we are showcasing testimonials from the many stakeholders we engage on a daily basis — patients, providers, caregivers, care workers and more.
Our work is global, and so is our perspective. While there are commonalities in the macro-conditions all stakeholders deal with, cultural tailoring requires a deeper level of understanding. Our work covers the globe from Boston to South Carolina, the Caribbean, Central and South America, and to Shanghai and Beijing in China.
Having conversations about safe sex and other sex-related topics can be a daunting experience. In this video a leading expert in HIV treatment provides tips around how to have these types of discussions with patients in a way that feels natural.
“Up to 25% of new cases of HIV are in women over 50 and more than 50% of people living with HIV are over 50, so it’s clearly something older people are at risk for”
-Infectious disease physician, Boston, Ma
Being over 50 and divorced is no reason to sit home alone! In this video, older women tell real-life stories of dating, romance, and safe sex after divorce. Tips are shared on how to be smart and safe as you step towards what’s next.
“My friend brought me to one of those safe sex parties where people are putting condoms on bananas — I was mortified — but she said ‘we’ve got to bring you up to date. You’ve been married for so long to the same person, this is what’s going on today.”
-DA50 Community Member, Cambridge, Ma
Exercising in the home has its benefits, however not everyone is able to have a coach to guide them through the process. In this video, there are tips that everyone can implement from the comfort of their own homes.

“I like the modules and the exercise videos — they’re very interesting. The app motivates me to exercise more and eat healthier.”
-Hola Bebe, Adiós Diabetes App User, Boston, MA
“By looking at the image [on the app], my thinking changes.”
-User Feedback from Lista Usability Testing, Cambridge, MA
“If the cart has four different sections, that would also help.”
-User Feedback from Lista Usability Testing, Cambridge, MA
“I’m worried about going to shop for food and not having enough money. I’m worried that at checkout, I may have 100 or 200 dollars for the week, and that the cost will be over $200. Then I have to tell [the cashier] to remove things.”
-Lista Research, Boston, MA
Dementia is a global concern and the need for supportive care models is paramount. This video introduces the need for cultural competency in care and provides suggestions for tailoring care based on cultural background.
“There’s this concept in chinese culture that you will take care of your parents well into their old age, and they feel guilty about putting their parents into a facility where they won’t be there 24/7”
-Chinese family caregiver, Boston, MA
A culture based on empathy helps bring care teams and patients together, and research shows, such an approach also improves outcomes. This video highlights how a supportive caring environment may be fostered.
“A third of people that break hips never recover”
-Physician, San Francisco, CA
"It’s not only the patients that need care but also the caregivers. My father is disoriented and in order to take care of him, my mother needs to be around him 24 hours a day. He can’t eat well, or sleep well. She’s overwhelmed and cries often. We can’t get help from the hospital and feel really helpless."
-Weibo (Chinese Twitter) Community Member, China also help.
"Due to the single child policy, now the child in the family has to face the pressure from work, and also from care of his or her parents. What can we do to help take care of our aging parents for our generation?"
-Weibo (Chinese Twitter) Community Member, China
“Most Chinese Americans are not willing to send their patients (who have dementia) to facilities. In Chinese culture, the children are not considered to be "Xiao" to their parents if they do so. For most of the families, only if the patients have severe behavioral problems, they would consider to sending them to facilities. This is not only seen in Chinese families, but also among African Americans, and Hispanic Americans.”
-Alzheimer's Association, New York City Chapter Manager
“I think aging care will be a huge market in the future. More and more people are paying attention to it but currently most of them haven't develop a successful business model. There are still a lot of things to explore but we need to be prepared.”
-Ryan Jing (Taolejia, Dementia Unit) Founder, Shanghai, China
“Caring for patients with dementia is really a challenge today in China. Currently primary care facilities are lack of awareness and capability to detect persons with cognitive impairment, leaving a lot of patients undiagnosed. The majority of patients who has been diagnosed have to rely on tertiary hospitals while they only have several mins to talk to their doctor per visit due to the limitation of human resource. Lack of palliative care and support to family caregivers leave a huge burden to families with dementia patients. It is really hard for dementia patients to get support here.”
-Primary care physician, Shanghai, China